" We sat under London skies
on A perfect June day.
I touched her hand
And whispered our names.
And all of the birds flew by
andThe clouds blow away
The rose oil in her hair
And her infinite craze.
These are the thoughts That take me
To a different place.
These are the words That take me
To a different place.
And I gave her A rose from my garden
And the petals Blow away.
They look like confetti On herBeautiful face.
These are the thoughts That take me
To a different place.
These are the words That take me
To a different place.
These are the thoughts That take me
To a different place.
These are the words That take me
To a different place"
Instrucciones de uso:
* Imprescindible leer el texto mientras se escucha la canción, o bien escuchar la canción directamente (preferiblemente esta segunda opción PERO NO LEERLO SIN HABER ESCUCHADO LA CANCIÓN) con la luz apagada, algo de humo alrededor (venga de donde venga), o una copa, si se prefiere, o una fotografía, pero estando solo.
* Después, que cada cual decida. En mi caso, sé lo que será.
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